Contact Us
If you would like to know more about volunteering in NightLite, please complete the following:
Looking for us on Saturday night?
Street Pastors PATROL:
07394 074887 (Saturdays only, 10:00pm - 3:00am)
NIGHTLITE (Safe Space):
07729 839912 (Saturdays only, 10:00pm - 3:00am)
If you require assistance on a Saturday night in Cambridge City Centre, please speak to the door staff at the clubs and they will call us on their CamBAC radio for you.
Contact our staff...
Coordinator - Neat Pellatt
07588 560090 (please leave a message if no reply)
By post
Cambridge Street Pastors Reg'd Charity No. 1130842
c/o Romsey Mill Centre
Hemingford Road